by qahouaji » Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:44 am
If you want to help, here's an idea (not that one person could really do it?)
Go to Maastricht, where the government is running a "pilot project" in which foreigners are banned from shops...
...become a dope dealer yourself. Deal meth, coke, etc, etc. Then the government will realize that such a plan is bogus.
...irony aside, I don't advise anyone to actually do this. But making sure that the "pilot project" is a big failure would do more than anything to prevent Donner from enacting his foolish directive into law.
....I just don't think this one is going to happen. The economy, for one, not doing that great; kicking foreigners out would result in the loss of hundreds of billions of euro. Also, the move is illegal; how can one EU member have rights to smoke weed and another doesn't? Absolutely impossible. Third, the coalition parties will never go for this; it just won't make any sense. Finally, even Donner is super-paranoid about the prospect of hard drugs becoming more popular in Holland...
...don't sweat it, man. There've been plenty of times when I've sat at this computer worried sick about losing my Holland. As Nol says, don't trust the foreign presses, either; they're making a buck by sensationalizing Holland as a dangerous other that's on the brink of embracing in full Drug War policy. (Name one time that,, or, released one of these articles from a Dutch press--it just doesn't happen, it's always a British or American press release!)
A small, small number of coffeeshops are closing. I sincerely hope, too, that the "hash bars" all take the coffeeshop route rather than become drink-only bars, but that remains to be seen. But don't sweat it, coffeeshops will survive...
The Qahouaji
(cutting kif, quietly, in some dark corner of prohibitionville USA)