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Happy New Year 2010. We have been enslaved.

Keep us and yourself updated on the efforts to get cannabis accepted, decriminalised and legalised.

Moderators: deliriumt, cannabinol, milehigh, CoolZero

Happy New Year 2010. We have been enslaved.

Postby Virgil » Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:47 am

Let me first thank Nol and everyone for leaving some of my old stuff up. I am still working on the words we need to free ourselves in the Words-to-improve-upon philosophy. I have some websites like AntiPurplistConspiracy.com and SoldierForReality.com where I want to carry the ideas and importance of a new vocabulary to free ourselves of our corporate rule and the financial overlords that are out for world conquest and a private all-world government as seen in the Danish text at the recent Copenhagen Summit where the Climate Change Criminal Conspiracy had their moves shown to the world.

Anyway, I had an outline of some video and content I want to develop that is at a free website where I am building notes while I learn how to run the messageboard software. I prepared this for the new decade and woul like to submit it as a copy and paste from http://soldierforreality.myfreeforum.org/about44.html

Happy New Year. We are enslaved.

High and Hangthemall.

I have been on the Internet strong as anyone over the last nine years and I wanted to report on the core findings and solutions that I have on Free Cannabis so that others in the hopes of giving everyone coming along a lift in seeing things.

I regret being somewhat short here and just sending the bare minimum, but I will try to do a video in support of Ken and drawing attention to POLCOA/OPLCOA. I had done several "Why we have cannabis treason in 55 words" and on 12/27 fininshed a third. Today I finished the fourth. I added an eleven and twelve word reason to my A list since I always say them and don't want to leave them out just for the sake of conforming to 55 words. If I go through them and explain the twenty-one matrix slaveries of Mythland, that should present my summit of thought.

I will try to something basic video up tomorrow and elaborate on this some. The first part of this copies what I wrote on a white foam board today and the four segments below are what I wrote on the back. I pushed some results just because today is January 1, 2010.

There is nobody that says matrix slaveries. There is nobody that says Mythland. There is nobody that says whoa to the woe. There is nobody that says until liberty or death, even though that is the Jack Herer pledge. I have never heard nor have I publicly typed "a professor of pot." If somebody wanted fame, all they would have had to have done was trademark the term "Professor Pot." Fewocracy, democracy-believers, thoughtherding, and corpocratic media are things of my own creation, just like Obomem.

I recognize these as a very special collection of words. But more important than vocabulary is the idea behind telling the reason for cannabis criminalization in 55 words and 555 seconds.

Have a nice treason.


Twenty-One Matrix Slaveries of Mythland: Whoa to the Woe- Until Liberty or Death

January 1, 2010 by a professor of pot

1- Tax
2- Wage
3- Debt
4- Poverty
5- Penalty
6- Gladiatorial
7- War
8- Chaos
9- Thought
10- Money
11- Prohibition
12- Mandate
13- Medical
14- Resource
15- Sabotage & Pollution
16- Atomization
17- Purpose-corruption
18- Criminalization
19- Fear and Terror
20- Illness and Fatigue
21- Wound and Stress

The oligarchy rules: oligarchy is treason per se.
We are slaves to the corporation and the government is the overseer.

James Michael Preston Jan 1, 2010


The Reason for the Cannabis Treason in 2010 in 243 Words
by James Michael Preston January 1, 2010

Part 1:
Why marijuana is illegal in 55 words
1- Fewocracy
2- Pill Profits
3- We are enslaved.
4- We have failed citizenship.
5- The cost-benefit analysis is missing.
6- We cannot get our words together.
7- You don't miss what you never had.
8- We have not learned cannabis prohibition's grand lessons.
9- Criminalization is the cornerstone of the War For Prohibition
10- The victors of the Opium Wars turned to invading governments.

Part 2:
Why cannabis is illegal in 55 words

1- Thoughtherding
2- Big Lies
3- The fluoride works
4- The reason is treason.
5- Leashed minds and help tongues.
6- Our fiction hasn't met their fiction.
7- We call cannabis everything but merry joy.
8- Criminalization of gpotp is part of our enslavement.
9- Efforts are spent on transforming our smallnesses into greatnesses.
10- We don't understand or say “Free Cannabis and Free Everyone.”

Part 3:
Why cannabis is criminalized in 55 Words
1- Treason
2- Wrecked reckoning
3- Lying Treasonous Bastards
4- Lies, obfuscation, and entertainment
5- Criminalization instills fear and silence.
6- Trivial conversation dominates over the critical.
7- Controversy is a distraction to our implosion.
8- Malfeasance of office is still called public service.
9- Our enslavement is so complete we don't recognize it.
10- The Globalists want us sick, tired, broke, conflicted, bewildered, and atomized.

Part 4:
Why the cannabis treason in 78 words
1- Democracy-believers
2- Corpocratic media
3- The Oligarchy Rules
4- This land is Mythland
5- We are ruled by treason.
6- We don't know how to talk.
7- Stonewall zealotry projects sincerity, certitude, and consensus.
8- Evil Overlords and Evil Overseers enforce matrix slaveries.
9- We are all retarded because we are all retarded.
10- The criminalizers are the criminals and treason fills the air.
11- The hardest thing to say in life is “I am wrong.”
12- We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
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Location: North Carolina

New and improved words of 1/3/10

Postby Virgil » Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:56 pm

I have an old theme that all collection of words are just something to improve upon. This is a revision of the above and is an entry at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Me ... sage/15816 Since it is a matter of copy and paste, I would like to submit this because it not only supports "Words to Improve Upon" in practice, it brings up the old idea of what to put on playing cards.

I have revised my 243 words on the reason for the cannabis treason. When I was still on the reason for prohibition with 15 words I would say "Treason, Controlled media, It's the money, Lies, obfuscation, and entertainment, We are ruled by treason. Controlled media became Evil Media as I had a theme built around Evil Overlords and Evil Overseers in a narrative that included a paint them Purple effort. There was Purple Reign, Purple Party, and Perfect Purple used instead of "President." With a longer list that conveys the essence of those four words I am going to change it to "The Pope says so." This opens up the surrounding talk to go into the area of religion and the body-is-a-temple philosophy that should most strongly support the Sacred Grass instead of villifying it.

I am going to change "Lying Treasonous Bastards" to "Vast Treasonous Conspiracy" mainly to drop the B-word out. At my old website I only advanced four acronyms outside of PP for Perfect Purple. They were RwR for Representation without Representation, LTB for Lying Treasonous Bastards that I said should be used instead of PTB, and VTC for Vast Treasonous Conspiracy that spun from Hitlery Clinton's "vast right-wing conspiracy."

I also had an error in saying "violence" instead of "silence." So this entry will also correct that. I am still working towards a video to explain the idea behind this and talk about the words themselves. I have typed the four sets of words onto playing cards with each 55 words being on one suite of cards. The 11-word and 12-word reasons are on the Jokers.

So I am going to explain this so others can give a talk on the reason for cannabis prohibition because it can be said "Marijuana is illegal because we don't know why it is illegal? Of course, in Canada the pot possession laws have been dead since Terry Parker Day on August 1, 2001 and Grant Krieger got the cultivation laws struck down. With a video I can mention websites that have come into being because of the success of recent court cases recognizing the pot laws have fallen. Two websites to note are http://www.ccldr.net/ (Canadian Cannabis Legal Defence Resource) and http://www.polcoa.ca/

POLCOA comes from John Turmel who used it to reduce "Parliament Only Legislates, Courts Only Abrogate." The courts recognized the possession laws had fallen in 2003 which was promoted by Marc Emery's season of freedom tour. It was a civil court that said that fixing the Medical Marijuana Access Regulations could revive a law that was dead after being recognized as of "no force and effect" in obvious violation of Canada's interpretation act. The haunting of the dead laws is in the scope of many because it is such an obvious train wreck in the making. It can best be seen where it is best documented and that is John Turmel's medpot-discuss Yahoo group= http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Me ... ssages?o=1

Twenty-One Matrix Slaveries of Mythland: Whoa to the Woe- Until Liberty or Death

January 1, 2010 by a professor of pot

1- Tax
2- Wage
3- Debt
4- Poverty
5- Penalty
6- Gladiatorial
7- War
8- Chaos
9- Thought
10- Money
11- Prohibition
12- Mandate
13- Medical
14- Resource
15- Sabotage & Pollution
16- Atomization
17- Purpose-corruption
18- Criminalization
19- Fear and Terror
20- Illness and Fatigue
21- Wound and Stress

The oligarchy rules: oligarchy is treason per se.
We are slaves to the corporation and the government is the overseer.

James Michael Preston Jan 1, 2010


The Reason for the Cannabis Treason in 2010 in 243 Words
by James Michael Preston January 4, 2010

Part 1:
Why marijuana is illegal in 55 words
1- Fewocracy
2- Pill profits
3- We are enslaved.
4- We have failed citizenship.
5- The cost-benefit analysis is missing.
6- We cannot get our words together.
7- You don't miss what you never had.
8- We have not learned cannabis prohibition's grand lessons.
9- Criminalization is the cornerstone of the War For Prohibition.
10- The victors of the Opium Wars turned to invading governments.

Part 2:
Why cannabis is illegal in 55 words

1- Thoughtherding
2- Big Lies
3- The fluoride works.
4- The reason is treason.
5- Leashed minds and help tongues.
6- Our fiction hasn't met their fiction.
7- We call cannabis everything but merry joy.
8- Criminalization of gpotp is part of our enslavement.
9- Efforts are spent on transforming our smallnesses into greatnesses.
10- We don't understand or say “Free Cannabis and Free Everyone.”

Part 3:
Why cannabis is criminalized in 55 Words
1- Treason
2- Wrecked reckoning
3- Vast Treasonous Conspiracy
4- The Pope says so.
5- Criminalization instills fear and silence.
6- Trivial conversation dominates over the critical.
7- Controversy is a distraction to our implosion.
8- Malfeasance of office is still called public service.
9- Our enslavement is so complete we don't recognize it.
10- The Globalists want us sick, tired, broke, conflicted, bewildered, and atomized.

Part 4:
Why the cannabis treason in 78 words
1- Democracy-believers
2- Corpocratic media
3- The Oligarchy Rules
4- This land is Mythland.
5- We are ruled by treason.
6- We don't know how to talk.
7- Stonewall zealotry projects sincerity, certitude, and consensus.
8- Evil Overlords and Evil Overseers enforce matrix slaveries.
9- We are all retarded because we are all retarded.
10- The criminalizers are the criminals and treason fills the air.
11- The hardest thing to say in life is “I am wrong.”
12- We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
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Last revision. Will try to upload cards next.

Postby Virgil » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:12 pm

1/7/2007 corrections to 243 words on why the cannabis treason

This is a copy and paste from me talking to myself at the place I keep my notes=
This is very much me talking to myself.

I will consider this finished for now. The difference between this and the last
version is "merry joy" is now "Merry Joy" because when "Mary Jane" is used for
cannabis it is capitalized. Also the "The" was removed from "The Globalists want
us sick, tired, broke, conflicted, bewildered, and atomized." The copy I have on
foam boad did not have the "the" on December 25th and nobody caught the eleven
word version. It kind of shows what we are up against when nobody points out
stuff like this. Also I will remove all headings so there is in fact 243 words.

I have printed the following to freeware playing cards replacing the clubs,
spades, diamonds, and hearts that populated the numbers with words. The aces are
Fewocracy, Thoughtherding, Treason, and Democracy-believers where I am parent to
three of those terms. Ron from Canada first said "thoughtherding" as one word
at CannabisNews.com but it was after weeks of saying "thought herding" to get
people to see it as one thing similar to the word "brainwashing." So glory to
Ron in Canada as limited as it may be and I hope to see you on the other side of
the cannabis treason. "Democracy-believers" is the magic key, not that I would
expect anyone to know what I mean.

If someone asked me the reason why cannabis is illegal, my answer if I thought
they would understand it would be "Because people don't know why cannabis is
illegal." It would make a good line in the movies if it wouldn't go over
people's heads. I think I should work in "LTBs" in a future version and it would
have been great to say "Evil Pot Criminalizers" as well as saying "The Pope and
the Queen say so." But I have printed the cards except the jokers already and I
can live with it as things have to set on something.

These are powerful words and I will be pasting them around as well as expaining
them and the idea of "The reason for the cannabis treason in 55 words and 555
seconds." It is there is no exuse for people not to have 55 words to explain
cannabis criminalization when there are four sets here to use, write around, or
otherwise improve. The 555 seconds has to do with the length of videos allowed
at YouTube and ""The reason for the cannabis treason in 55 words and 555
seconds." has to do with soliciting contributions under a searchable term. The
reason we have the cannabis treason is because we have not explained the reason
for the cannabis treason. It is time to get our words together and learn how to
talk to each other.

The Globalist Agenda has advanced tremendously with the EU coming to force on
December 1, 2009 and the police state tightening their grip with mandating the
way health care is administered in this country and the Climate Change Criminal
Conspiracy moving toward an all-world private rule. It wouldn't be understood
but Free Cannabis needs to assault the warmer alarmist and free some minds. The
case to prove is this is Mythland and to do that Free Cannabis has to paint a
more proper big picture.

Free Cannabis is the largest and most powerful anti-treason army because they
know at heart that the government is not legitimate in calling the users
criminals, althought they are not good at the counter-allegation of government
is not legitimate and the criminalizers are the criminals. Everyone needs to
quit pissing around in actuality and metaphorically.

Get tough on crime already. Take no prisoners. To full storm.


"The Reason for the Cannabis Treason in 243 Words"
by James Michael Preston January 7, 2010

1- Fewocracy
2- Pill profits
3- We are enslaved.
4- We have failed citizenship.
5- The cost-benefit analysis is missing.
6- We cannot get our words together.
7- You don't miss what you never had.
8- We have not learned cannabis prohibition's grand lessons.
9- Criminalization is the cornerstone of the War For Prohibition.
10- The victors of the Opium Wars turned to invading governments.

1- Thoughtherding
2- Big Lies
3- The fluoride works.
4- The reason is treason.
5- Leashed minds and help tongues.
6- Our fiction hasn't met their fiction.
7- We call cannabis everything but Merry Joy.
8- Criminalization of gpotp is part of our enslavement.
9- Efforts are spent on transforming our smallnesses into greatnesses.
10- We don't understand or say "Free Cannabis and Free Everyone."

1- Treason
2- Wrecked reckoning
3- Vast Treasonous Conspiracy
4- The Pope says so.
5- Criminalization instills fear and silence.
6- Trivial conversation dominates over the critical.
7- Controversy is a distraction to our implosion.
8- Malfeasance of office is still called public service.
9- Our enslavement is so complete we don't recognize it.
10- Globalists want us sick, tired, broke, conflicted, bewildered, and atomized.

1- Democracy-believers
2- Corpocratic media
3- The Oligarchy Rules
4- This land is Mythland.
5- We are ruled by treason.
6- We don't know how to talk.
7- Stonewall zealotry projects sincerity, certitude, and consensus.
8- Evil Overlords and Evil Overseers enforce matrix slaveries.
9- We are all retarded because we are all retarded.
10- The criminalizers are the criminals and treason fills the air.
11- The hardest thing to say in life is "I am wrong."
12- We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
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Re: Happy New Year 2010. We have been enslaved.

Postby Joe King Park » Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:55 pm

One Cannot Forget Ted Smith Of Hempology101 And The New Democrat Party For The Stand Down On Prohibition
I Consider Myself Fortunate To Have Been A Part Of That Movement In Victoria, B.C In 2001
You Can See Me " Hotboxing A Courtroom " With About 200 Other Members ( Old Pictures-Page8) http://www.hempology101.org
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Re: Happy New Year 2010. We have been enslaved.

Postby Joe King Park » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:00 pm

I Sure Wish We Had Activists Like That Here In The U.K
Only Time I Hear/See Anything Is In Old Top Gear T.V Shows Which Show The L.C.A Guy Do A Flying Lap !!
The U.K Has To Stop Back-peddling And Pussy Footing Around :!:

Great Thread , BTW :)
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1/10/2010: "The Reason for the Cannabis Treason in 243 Words

Postby Virgil » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:33 pm

Today is January 10, 2010 and because of the way 1/10/2010 looks with its zeros, ones, and two, it is a date I want to capture. I was happy enough with what I had on 1/7 to print the out cards with the words on them and bind them as a booklet I titled "Soldier For Reality: Reporting a House of Cards." But because of this date, I am going to force a change for the sake of change as much as it is for improvement. The first group of 55 words were the club cards, the second group of words were spades. The third group of 55 words were diamonds and the first 55 words of the fourth group were hearts. The last two entries were joker cards. I am going to change the two of spades from "Big Lies" to "Wealthy Rule."

This has to result in a restatement of the entire list so that people that see need to copy these into messages either as they are or reformed with their own words can copy and paste them. I have put them up at FreeRepublic and it had a way of silencing the crowd. There is good quote from Voltaire: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

We shouldn't have to suffer from the fools that think cannabis prohibition is serious policy about benefiting the general welfare when it is part of our enslavement and a fraud, absurdity, and a crime against humanity.

So this list is for copy and paste and to shut the damned fools up.


Twenty-One Matrix Slaveries of Mythland: Whoa to the Woe- Until Liberty or Death

January 1, 2010 by a professor of pot

1- Tax
2- Wage
3- Debt
4- Poverty
5- Penalty
6- Gladiatorial
7- War
8- Chaos
9- Thought
10- Money
11- Prohibition
12- Mandate
13- Medical
14- Resource
15- Sabotage & Pollution
16- Atomization
17- Purpose-corruption
18- Criminalization
19- Fear and Terror
20- Illness and Fatigue
21- Wound and Stress

The oligarchy rules: oligarchy is treason per se.
We are slaves to the corporation and the government is the overseer.

James Michael Preston Jan 1, 2010


"The Reason for the Cannabis Treason in 243 Words"
by a professor of pot 1/10/2010

1- Fewocracy
2- Pill profits
3- We are enslaved.
4- We have failed citizenship.
5- The cost-benefit analysis is missing.
6- We cannot get our words together.
7- You don't miss what you never had.
8- We have not learned cannabis prohibition's grand lessons.
9- Criminalization is the cornerstone of the War For Prohibition.
10- The victors of the Opium Wars turned to invading governments.

1- Thoughtherding
2- Wealthy Rule
3- The fluoride works.
4- The reason is treason.
5- Leashed minds and help tongues.
6- Our fiction hasn't met their fiction.
7- We call cannabis everything but Merry Joy.
8- Criminalization of gpotp is part of our enslavement.
9- Efforts are spent on transforming our smallnesses into greatnesses.
10- We don't understand or say “Free Cannabis and Free Everyone.”

1- Treason
2- Wrecked reckoning
3- Vast Treasonous Conspiracy
4- The Pope says so.
5- Criminalization instills fear and silence.
6- Trivial conversation dominates over the critical.
7- Controversy is a distraction to our implosion.
8- Malfeasance of office is still called public service.
9- Our enslavement is so complete we don't recognize it.
10- Globalists want us sick, tired, broke, conflicted, bewildered, and atomized.

1- Democracy-believers
2- Corpocratic media
3- The Oligarchy Rules
4- This land is Mythland.
5- We are ruled by treason.
6- We don't know how to talk.
7- Stonewall zealotry projects sincerity, certitude, and consensus.
8- Evil Overlords and Evil Overseers enforce matrix slaveries.
9- We are all retarded because we are all retarded.
10- The criminalizers are the criminals and treason fills the air.
11- The hardest thing to say in life is “I am wrong.”
12- We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.

Copyright 2010 by James Michael Preston
by James Michael Preston January 10, 2010
We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
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Re: Happy New Year 2010. We have been enslaved.

Postby Ernest » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:18 pm

Thanks Virgil,
you are doing an awesome job.
Keep us informed.
Best regards,
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