Now some people don't take it seriously when I say "We are ruled by treason" when I could not be more serious. The industries have taken over their own regulation. The pill companies actually pay for part of the operation of the Food and Drug Administration. It is out to protect their profits and the public good is not relevant. The oil industry took maps into Cheney's office of Iraq to tell him to get those Iraqis off our oil. The military-industrial complex has the government buy anything that kills and to get busy with WW3.
The drug wars lead the assault that killed the Constitution and the War on Terror is just an excuse to shut down dissent. But even for the plutocratic rulers that need a drug war to humble the masses and keep prices up for the benefit of CIA black-ops, this is beyond bold violation of the Constitution.
This thread was spawned by this thread at DU- The following comes from the link mentioned in that thread-
Action #1
ALERT: Drug Speech Censorship Bill Nearing Passage
Contact Legislators: Stop the Censorship Provisions of Bankruptcy Reform Act, and the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act!
Both the Bankruptcy Reform Act and The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act may sound like a good ideas from their titles, but their effect would be to stop constitutionally protected speech on the Internet and in print, and there are several other very disturbing aspects.
The BANKRUPTCY REFORM ACT, H.R. 833, is in House/Senate conference and the closest to passing. It passed the House intact (as a bankruptcy reform measure), but passed the Senate with the full text of Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act (see below) attached as a "rider", Title XVII.
The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act also remains in circulation as a stand-alone bill. H.R. 2987.
Some of the provisions H.R. 833 Title XVII/H.R. 2987 that EFF objects to:
* Makes it illegal to share information about harm reduction and growing hemp even for industrial purposes. Not only does it criminalize speech, it makes it illegal to even LINK TO sites with these types of articles and gives the government power to order Web sites censored and shut down without due process of law. It gives the DEA and the FBI the right to order ISPs to close down a site without notice to the owner on a police judgement call without an order from a court. This provision violates the First, Fourth and Fifths Amendments (free speech, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, due process).
* H.R. 833 and H.R. 2987 will allow secret searches. This provision was beaten down before but is trying to come in through the back door again. The government could enter your home or office with a warrant, search or copy files from your computer and not tell you till months later. Another section of this bill removes the responsibility of the government to give an inventory of what was seized as is currently required under the law. This provision also violates the Fourth Amendment.
* The bill would also create new federal drug offences and incarcerate a whole new wave of low-level "drug offenders", this time for merely expressing themselves. This is a major threat to the First Amendment and American democracy in general.
There is a broad coalition of organizations and people opposing both H.R. 833 Title XVII and H.R. 2987. These include the ACLU, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, the Media Awareness Project, and the November Coalition among many others.