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Join us for two exciting events with these very different authors!
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Thursday, Mar 24
Daniel E. Williams, author of The Naked Truth About Drugs, will be the
guest speaker at the ABC Treehouse, Thursday, March 24th at 8PM.
“The United States led the world into drug prohibition and it is the
United States that can lead us all out.”
Williams believes the American public, “just like in those last, dark
days of alcohol prohibition,” is ready for a change.
“Drugs are still believed to do harm,” notes Williams, “yet attitudes
are shifting toward the belief our drug laws are more harmful.” It is
this underlying sentiment The Naked Truth About Drugs explores, hoping to
affect America’s dialogue and debate regarding drugs and drug
prohibition. And while the book is written specifically for the American
audience, the U.S. repeal of drug prohibition will have global implications.
Many other countries would soon follow suit and, within a very brief
time, “the global black market in drugs will wither and die,” Williams
states. With the United Nations calculating this global black market to
be equal to roughly 8% of all legitimate international trade, the result
of prohibition repeal will be that hundreds and hundreds of billions in
world currencies would move to the free market with positive impact.
But the most significant impact of global repeal will be the
unprecedented and massive reduction in crime. In the United States alone, and
according to the FBI, the reduction in the overall Crime Index would
exceed 50%. And virtually every other country will experience a similar
dynamic. Whole segments of world society will stabilize. “That’s what we’re
playing for,” says Williams. And while his thirty-five years of
recreational drug use may make him seem an unlikely advocate for the rule of
law, Williams believes the repeal of drug prohibition will be “the most
significant law and order legislation of the 21st century.”
Daniel E. Williams is 54 and a retired cellular communications