by AmeriSkunk » Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:38 pm
1g per OZ, huh? I usually got around 7-9 per OZ and this stuff is 90% thc the rest is fragrant oils and other cannabinoids. its basically all the good stuff from the pot without carcinogens, the plant material being the carcinogens. Like Twitch said it can be dangerous, if your an idiot. Just don't smoke around and tube taht spraying liquid butane, thats a duh for most. Make sure you house is ventelated quite well(open a door or two, maybe some fans), or just do it outside.
My main thing about smoking oil is that it has to be done efficiently because it costs so much to make now mind you that three hits is like smoking a fat bowl. Putting it on weed and smoking it is ok but I like the oil flavor so I tend to keep adding more to the point that the weed is burned up and the oil is mixed in with the ashes, total crappy taste, like a empty bowl but with oil flavor. The best cheap way to smoke oil is from a cheap glass pipe, not a weed pipe but one of those meth pipes, coke pipes, whatever you want to call them(glass tube with the end blown out to a bulb, not lightbulb size but around an inch, the big ones will work also but not as good) Take the oil and work it inside the hole in the bulb, heat it from underneath, roll it around, and boom you have vapors just like a vaporiser, healthy.