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CoffeeShopNIEUWS |
Winner of Cannaquiz collects his Grand Prize….
We headed to Amsterdam Airport on a cloudy saturdaymorning, June 2, 2001, to pick up Ronley and his friend, for a weekfull of cannabisadventure.
Ronley Konwiser, age 35, from Israel, is the winner of the first ever Cannaquiz, an online question and answering game, wich ran for 11 weeks, coming up with 11 questions a week, all about cannabis, of course.
The questions were made up by Pete Brady, Cannabis Culture’s topreporter, and Nol van Schaik, they did not make it easy on the contestants, so we consider Ronley a very weedwise and worthy winner of the Cannaquiz.
During the quiz we slowly filled the Cannacase, by adding a special weed or hash when we purchased it, to make sure the winner would smoke the best.
We checked this ‘case’ and its contents before we left, and added some spacecakes, on request of Ronley, his friend does not smoke weed, but likes to eat it, so we complied…
We also included a mobile phone, so we could keep in touch with our guests at all time, they might get lost under the influence…
The Cannacase contained more than 30 grams of cannabis, so we turned Ronley in to a crook, as soon as he set foot on Dutch soil, by handing him the Cannacase, but he took it as a man, and carried this burden with pleasure.
We got into the car to drive to coffeeshop Willie Wortel, Ronley had a look inside the ‘case’ , wich caused him to produce funny sounds and gurgles, he seemed to be pleased with what he saw!!
We drove over to the Willie Wortel, informing Ronley about the program of the day, a reporter of our local newspaper was already waiting for him, to ask him about how and why he did it. Ronley had a look at our cannabiscounter first, and was impressed with what he saw, weeds and hashes in display…
Here’s Ronley, answering the reporters questions, he did not mind having his picture taken for the article, wich came out after the weekend.
It did not take him very long to roll his first joint, from his supply in the ‘case’, he picked the Northern Lights as a starter, good choice…
We took Ronley and Co to their hotel, they had anearly flight, so they wanted to settle their stuff and freshen up a little bit. We had to go to Amsterdam, it was the day of the
6th Legalize Parade and Streetrave, we participated with a stand of the Global Hempmuseum on the Damsquare, to await the arrival of the Parade. It was windy and it rained most of the time, but we had a nice day anyway, Ronley showed up there too, but he wanted to see Amsterdams attractions, so he wandered off in to the city.
Sunday, June 3, 2001. This was the day for Ronley, he could pick the date for this trip, he chose for this week because it included the Dordtse Weedcup, a cannabisevent on board of a canalcruiseship, wich was held on this date.
We left early, after capuccino and a joint in coffeeshop Willie Wortel, making sure we brought enough to smoke on board of the ship, since it was going to sail from Dordrecht, the boardingplace, to the harbour of Rotterdam, no stops at coffeeshops!
We were there on time, so we managed to get the best seats in the cabin, in front of the windows, so we had a good view and a cosy corner. Eagle Bill, the Vaporman, accompanied us on this trip, we met him on Legalize, he brought his new Vulcano vaporisor, to enlighten the atmosphere.
Ronley was stoned after 5 minutes, he was offered the first bag of vapor….
He does not smoke that much in Israel, due to prohibition and the low-avaiblility of good smoke in his country.
He was in a big cloud all day, going all around the ship to satisfy his curiousity for everything in and around the Dutch cannabisculture.
Eagle Bill showed me his pipe when we left, he stuffed it with Ice hash, soft and sponge-like, meaning to smoke on it all day, wich he actually managed. The hash did not burn or bubble on the inside, it just vaporised from the inside, I had some hits on it too, dynomite material!!
Ronley smoked his little glass pipe all day, between bags of vapor, with the harbour of Rotterdam gliding by unnoticed by most of the passengers…
Evert, the man from the Verdamper, the vaporisor with the paintstripper, made up a special extension to his device, to be able to fill bags of vapor as well, and to show he can compete with Eagle Bills Vulcano. I prefer the Vulcano, the taste is better and more pure than the vapor from the Verdamper.
Eagle Bill baptised this set of boobs : ‘Double Trouble’, I had to give them a sqeeze!
Besides the smoking demo’s, we were presented an Ice-O-Lator demo, by Mila, the result was smoked on board.
Of course there was a Weedcup competition going on, the Dordtse Weedcup has two classes to judge : Indoor Grass and Haze, wich were judged by experts, like Wernard for instance, Mr. Positronics. They had a tough job doing so, they only had 3 hours to decide….
Here are the entries, a table full of baggies, delivered by Seedcompanies and homegrowers.
Three Dordtse Weedcups per class, displayed on the topdeck of our vessel, the overall cup is hidden somewhere……
The Dordtse Weedcup is organised by Jan Grow, the owner of Grow and Headshop Dordrecht, he handed the cups to the pricewinners, with a smile!
The winner of the Haze division, with his Haze Special, is K.C.Brains, the man with the winning grains…
He also won the overall cup, so he had a great day!
Ronley was interviewed by Jan Sennema, from Highlife magazine, about the Cannaquiz and everything that comes with it.
Ronley ended up in daze, he was sailing and flying at the same time, next to Arthur, from the Mountain High Jointmachines, his internetsite was included in the Cannaquiz.
We will be on board next year, June 2, because it was a real relaxed day, although it completely went Up in Smoke….
Arthur Marcel Peter Maarten
We all slept like a rose….
On the third day, we had a busy day, Ronley was asked to do an all action interview on tv, by RTL5, one of Hollands commercial networks, for the 7 o’clock news.
Ronley is a great sport, he cooperated with everything we asked him, and he really liked the idea of being transmitted in the news.
We started with testing weeds and hashes in Willie Wortel, I did not have time to take pics, but we have the TV footage of it all, this will be made available on our site soon.
Maruska, my girlfriend, and curator of the Global Hempmuseum, offered Ronley a nice gift package when he arrived for the tv shoot with live plants…
We took a pic in front of the museum, holding a potfull of Old Ed skunk, a homebrand, growing legally in the first part of the museum.
Ronley was equipped with a microphone, so he could comment on the hashpressing demo he was about to perform, with the help of Marcel, Willie Wortel’s manager.
After being rigged, Marcel and Ronley pressed a 30 gram slate of Netherhash, on our 15 ton press. Here’s a serie of pressure pics…
Ronley took a test sample to smoke in his pipe, he liked the taste and enjoyed the high.
Besides the hashpressing, Ronley also got to clip a plant in the Global Hempmuseum, called Eenmalig (Only Once…), named this way because we don’t have seeds of this stinky, sticky plant.
The tv crew was all over Ronley, wich made his hands tremble a little, he had never been on camera before.
Ronley noticed that the buds are very sticky, and spread a great, skunky stink…
We decided to quick-dry a bud, so Ronley can smoke it before he leaves.
Here’s the result of Ronley’s clipping, this bud will be dried for Mr. Weedwise !!
Today, the 4th day of Ronley’s visit, we give him a tour of Haarlem, the high part, that is…
We went to the museum, where Maruska gave Ronley and Co a full tour of the museum, with the explanation we give every visitor.
Maruska shows Ronley how a hempplant looks like, and how the stem is built up…
Maruska breaks the stem, to show Ronley the Fibre, used in clothing, paper, rope and a 1000 other products.
Like every other visitor, Ronley and us sat down at the table in the Replica of Coffeeshop Mellow Yellow, the first ‘official’ coffeeshop in Holland, founded in 1973.
The original place burned don in 1978, Wernard, the founder, managed to save the benches and table from the wreck, so we display and use them in the replica.
We are now sitting on the seats that have been warmed by many thousands of potsmokers, from all over the world, with all nationalities !
All this makes smoking a joint in here feel special.
Maruska made Ronley have a look at marihuana through the good old microscope, that used to be available at Positronics, Holland first ever growshop, also founded by Wernard.
Here are some dried buds, unsmokable though, these are buds from Germany, where they can only grow hermafrodite plants, with seeds from the government. Hanfzeit, a German company, who grow these plants for the fibre, filled in this display, they make their own products from their harvest!!
Hanfzeit makes this High Fly, a hammock like hang-chair, Ronley had to try it, he will surely comment on it later, in his own report…
After the tour in the museum, we set foot for coffeeshop Dutch Joint, where we checked the merchandise….
Inside the Dutch Joint he met Bart, one of the weedsalesmen of the coffeeshop, Ronley checks what’s on the menu.
He picked the Charas, dark Indian hash, to smoke in his glass pipe, we took the picture in front of the window, with good light….
We went to the garden, in the back of the coffeeshop, to test the hash in the fresh air, Ronley is right on the subject, and kept smoking Charas all day…
After a stiff smoke it is good to get deeper into the culture, Cannabis Culture, that is, the cover shows Joanie, who just served Ronley and me coffee, nice, cappucino…
From the Dutch Joint we walked to my office, where we were going to check if the 4 Citralplants, that we grew out there in a special growbox, were dry enough to start smoking them. They were dry and high, Ronley was holding them up, 4 plants, ‘made’ under one 400 watt HPS, with a small carbofilter and anexhaustvent.
Here’s a better view on the harvest, I will clip and weigh them later, Ronley had a bud to check it out….
The strain is a full Citral, they took about 60 days of flowering, the medium was compressed Batmix, with a layer of potsoil on top, we just added water….
Off to coffeeshop Frans Hals, at Haarlems Central Station, 100 meters across from the touristinfo. Beware, some of Haarlems busdrivers smoke weed after work, cool riding…
Dirk was taking care of business here, of course he showed Ronley, our HIP, the merchandise, Ronley was interested in all the hashes, so he gave them all the ‘nose’, to inhale the smell of the soil it came from….
Ronley wanted to see how we offer and sell our highmakers, so we gave him the ‘chair’, which he took gladly, showing you how you can check what you want to buy….
He even tried to sell me some…
Ronley took some time to report his experiences on the Overgrow Edge Forums, all our coffeeshops have online facilities….
We don’t have pics of day 5, Ronley had a day off, to see the things he wanted, like the van Gogh museum, the Anne Frank house etc.
On day 6, we picked the Cannaquizzers up early, for a ride in the countryside, heading for coffeeshop Far Out, that belongs to my friend and collegue Mark, to smoke some of his stash, we took the long tour, over the Afsluitdijk, Hollands biggest waterbarrier.
We were so lucky to pass a windmill in action, the wind was hard enough to spin the blades, Ronley was excited about this opportunity, this was what he wanted to see and hear, and here it was, spinning and all!
Here’s a shot of the company, all red eyed, potsmoking peeps, blowing in the wind…
We climbed all the way to the top off the windmill, it was one in a line of 5 windmills, the others were not working that day. Ronley was smiling all the way up…
The interior of the windmill was still original, Ronley sat down next to the fireplace for this pic, you see, it was not all smoke, we added some culture too.
After the windy visit to the mill, we continued our trip, we had a coffeestop on the Afsluitdijk, halfway down the dike is a small café, with lots of pics of the making of the dike, we drank coffee and walked out on the dike, to be able to see the sea on one side, and the IJsselmeer on the other side of the dike.
To show you how hard the wind blew, Ronley was almost blown in the sea…
We arrived in coffeeshop Far Out, Ronley had been smoking his pipe in the car, so he was already in a good mood when we sat down….
Maarten, our webmaster, along for the ride, showed Ronley how to roll a proper joint, it took some time…
And it took about a pack of papers, but Ronley was persistent, so he kept on going…
Ronley is close here he is about to lick the thing…
…and here he did, he got a little nervous, we were all watching him on this test…
Ronley is high on Mark’s weed, Mark made sure he smoked his best ‘house’ weed.
He made one, so here it is!
Ronley and Co, and me, went back later than the rest of the crew, Mark invited us for dinner, in Zwolle, we went there a little early, to walk around a little first…
Zwolle is an old traders city, with a rich history and beautifull buildings…
We had a smoke in coffeeshop ‘t Binnenhof, I made this pic, it’s dark , but the glowy parts make it a nice shot anyway, Ronley, testing the Buddha Maroc. Strange name for a Maroccan hash…..
Time sure flies, when you’re stoned all the time…
This is the last day of Ronley’s visit, Marcel took Ronley and Co. to a growroom, to make the week complete, I did not go myself, but Marcel took my camera…
After the greenhose safari, Marcel took Ronley to the workshop behind Dutch Joint, where Darriel and Janie, glassblowers, made Ronley a special Cannaquizpipe…
Here’s Janie, shaping Ronley’s piece…
And here is the pipe, a Cannaquiz-sherlock!
The pipe up close….
Ronley likes bowling, so we went bowling on his ‘last’ night, In Claus Partyhouse, where they present Cosmic bowling, with fluorescent balls and pins. We had dinner first, fix-your-food-yourself-style….
So here’s how it goes….
This must be a first for this cooking plate….
It’s easy….
After dinner we went bowling, in the dark, we thought we could just smoke up in there, like at the table during dinner….
So Ronley filled his pipe first!
And then he puffed it, in the middle of the bowlingalleys, we saw security coming from all sides, so we smoked sneaky…
Ronley was the best bowler by far, he was very concentrated….
This is how dark it was, we had to wear necklites to be able to spot eachother, who can you bowl….
This is how it looks like when bowling…
Ronley won both games…..
This was Ronley’s last evening with us, we enjoyed entertaining him and his friend, let’s hope the winner of the next Cannaquiz is as nice….
Ronley and Co., you were very pleasant to have around, may the stash be with you, whereever you may be !!
Ronley, you were a great winner and a worthy HIP!!!!(HIP=Highly Intoxicated Person.)
By: Sinsemilla Guerrilla
©2011 HempCity® & MrLunk.Net