The minister of Health Livia Turco have prepared a beautiful bill in order to liberalize the therapeutic cannabis use. If the Fine law of February 2006 of it did not recognize some therapeutic effectiveness, in the text of the minister Turco “it discovers” that it can' stimulate the appetite and to block to nausea in the patients subordinates to chemotherapy, can calm the pains of the reumatoide arthritis, to help the sick ones of multiple sclerosis and are in phase of study its effects on cases of anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy. If the design will be a' law il will be a great revolution, the two active principles of the hemp (Delta-8-tetraidrocannabinol e Delta-9-tetraidrocannabinol) will be available in pharmacy and buyable with one normal medical prescription, it will dissapear' in fact also the special prescription pad for the oppioids. It will be possible to assume cannabis in pills or via “aerosol”. For the report the therapeutic cannabis sale in the pharmacies is allowed in Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Germany, Canada and United States. You have never seen one Canadian to suffer!?