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Changing vision

Will the Netherlands set a worldwide trend for cannabis policies?

Moderators: deliriumt, cannabinol, milehigh, CoolZero

Changing vision

Postby Break » Fri May 11, 2007 10:04 am

After years of critics to liberal politics of the Dutch in the comparisons of the problem “drug”, the Americans authorities have begun to accept which are thought a miliare stone of the approach of this country towards narcotics - than the drug use is a disease rather than moral defectiveness. That what revealed John Walters, the “number one” of anti-drug within the Administration Bush, in an interview to the Associated Press, on Wendsday to the Aia. the ha discussed with the opposite Dutch also about the fact “to consider the drug use to the way of neurological a chronic disease (...) and, in the light of that, to in existence put those sanitary measures that already we use for other types of pathologies”. Walters has specified that, on the way to face the problem “drug”, United States and Holland “do not agree totally, but is being left over on a common land”.

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