The fact that there is no valid possession law in Canada has been in the news again lately because of several court cases that dropped the charges. The following press release comes from
Press Release
2007 November 14
Canada’s prohibition of the possession of marijuana has once again been declared to be constitutionally invalid and of no legal force or effect.
In a judgment released yesterday of a decision he rendered in Oshawa on October 19, Justice Edmondson of the Ontario Court of Justice dismissed charges against three young men accused of simple possession of marijuana, declaring that "there is no offence known to law which the accused have committed."
Justice Edmondson said that he found to be "persuasive" the reasoning of a judgement released on July 13 and 26 by Justice Borenstein (also of the Ontario Court of Justice) which had previously found the prohibition to be invalid; both judges declared that the Medical Marijuana Access Regulations are unconstitutional, which automatically makes the overall prohibition legally invalid.
“This has been my view for years,” said Prof. Doug Hutchinson, a professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto and himself an authorized user of medical marijuana. “The prohibition of the possession of marijuana has been invalid since 2001 July 31, the anniversary of the Parker ruling.” He publicly predicted that he would be able to prove the invalidity of the prohibition to the first judge he could get to consider the arguments; and this prediction was fulfilled on October 19 in Oshawa.
Professor Hutchinson now calls on the Provost of Trinity College and the President of the University of Toronto to recognize that the marijuana prohibition is invalid and to abandon their illegitimate attempt to enforce on campus this invalidated law. He calls on the Deputy Director of the Ontario Region of the Federal Prosecution Service to withdraw charges in all pending cases of marijuana possession in Ontario, and he calls on the Deputy Attorney General of Canada to withdraw charges in all pending cases in Canada.
Hutchinson also calls on all Canadian citizens to spread the word about the fall of the law, to render assistance to any Canadians accused under the invalid law, and to refuse to recognize the validity of any alleged marijuana prohibition, unless a future prohibition comes to be legitimately enacted by Commons and Senate in proper democratic fashion.
For further details about this case and its implications, visit