...Ten years later, he was close to death.
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/liv ... rtComments
more mail on sunday madness.
my favourite quote in this article is left until the 35th paragraph.
"Sometimes he'd agree and half-heartedly try to quit. But, in fact, he was convinced that he could handle it, along with the other "recreational" drugs he was taking, such as Ecstasy."
Is it any wonder he had a mental breakdown? i'm sure ecstasy is a sure fire way to fry your neuro receptors and affect your brains ability to produce serotonin. And i wonder what other drugs he was taking. ketamine? cocaine? amphetamines?
i'm sure you peeps have had enough press related bullshit from me but just incase you haven't i saved the scariest for last
"Teen who butchered two friends was addicted to skunk cannabis"
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/liv ... ge_id=1770
i don't even know where to start with that one...