by OkieDoke » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:10 pm
(pasted from the Sensi Seeds forums)
Cannabis-related schizophrenia set to rise, say researchers
Press release issued 23 March 2007
If cannabis causes schizophrenia - and that remains in question - then by 2010 up to 25 per cent of new cases of schizophrenia in the UK may be due to cannabis, according to a new study by Dr Matthew Hickman of the University of Bristol and colleagues, published in Addiction journal.
Substantial increases in both prevalence and incidence of the disease are forecast by the end of the decade, with increases in schizophrenia starting earlier among young men in particular.
The research study matches historic trends in cannabis use and exposure from a national population survey against estimates of new occurrences of schizophrenia in three English cities (Nottingham, Bristol and the London Borough of Southwark). The researchers assess what might happen to schizophrenia cases if we assume a causal link between cannabis use and onset of psychotic symptoms, an association widely recognised by some psychiatrists and researchers and considered recently by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
Exposure to cannabis grew fourfold over the thirty years to 2002, and its use among under-18s by 18-fold, say the researchers. If cannabis use causes schizophrenia, these increases in its use would lead to increases in overall schizophrenia incidence and prevalence of 29 per cent and 12 per cent respectively, between 1990 and 2010. (Incidence is defined as the frequency of new occurrences; and prevalence is the percentage of the population affected by the disease.)
Model projections suggest that if the association is confined to heavy cannabis users only, then approximately 10 per cent of schizophrenia cases may be due to cannabis by 2010. However, assuming an association between onset of the disease and both light and heavy users, then approximately one-quarter of new cases could be due to cannabis.
John Macleod, co-author and academic GP, said: “We need to remember that our study does not address the question whether cannabis causes schizophrenia: this remains unclear.”
Matthew Hickman, lead author of the study, added: “The challenge now is to improve our data on schizophrenia occurrence to see whether the projected increase occurs. This will tell us more about how important cannabis is as a cause of schizophrenia.”
Matthew Hickman, Peter Vickerman, John Macleod, James Kirkbride, Peter B. Jones. Cannabis and schizophrenia: model projections of the impact of the rise in cannabis use on historical and future trends in schizophrenia in England and Wales (2007). Addiction 102 (4), 597-606.
Addiction is a monthly scientific journal, read in over sixty countries and publishing more than 2000 pages every year. Owned by the Society for the Study of Addiction, it has been in continuous publication since 1884. Addiction publishes peer-reviewed research reports on alcohol, illicit drugs and tobacco, bringing together research conducted within many different disciplines, as well as editorials and other debate pieces
John Macleod, co-author and academic GP, said: “We need to remember that our study does not address the question whether cannabis causes schizophrenia: this remains unclear.”
If it wasn't for the rather misleading title to the article, this is exactly the kind of research I'd like to see more of.
You could see this as a roundabout way of showing that cannabis is safer than propagandist sources would have you believe, as rates of schizophrenia will not rise in accordance with the prediction.
There may be an attempt to say that n% of the schizophrenia cases in 2010 are caused by cannabis, but if the overall proportion of the population suffering from the illness is the same as in 2000, and 1980, and 1950 and so on (bearing in mind that the proportion didn't change much throughout the 20th century) then this will be more obvious propaganda.
That, or some other unknown force has been reducing the number of 'normal' occurrences of schizophrenia at exactly the same rate as cannabis has been 'causing' them.
We have a century of good records regarding the prevalence of mental illness in the west (UK, Australia, US), which show that the rate has remained steady throughout that time.Fifty or sixty years into that 100 year period, cannabis was introduced to the west, and its rate of use has skyrocketed in that time. Potency has also increased - perhaps a doubling of average strength, or an increase of 10x or 30x or 100x if you listen to the prohibitionists (the more you believe their claims, the weaker their case becomes).
Somehow, the introduction of cannabis and the increase in potency has had no effect on the prevalence of mental illness in the five decades since the 1950s. But it might in the next 3 years or so? Sure.
The important thing to remember about this particular study is that we're currently living in the apocalyptic future predicted by cannabis prohibitionists of the Sixties. And nothing has happened, according to the data on mental illness. But we should worry about the next two decades and continue to repress adults' freedom of choice.
The children, the children, etc
Check out the DEA scheduling of drugs:
S1 (most dangerous)- heroin, morphine, CANNABIS, LSD, DMT, MDMA, PSYLOCYBIN.
S2 (less dangerous) - amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, opium, PCP.
Not a mistake - a conscious plan for evil.