I smoke out of my 1974 Toker II glass bong. If anyone doesn't remember the Tokers I & II, they look like a chemistry beaker & deliver 1 helluva hit. The only difference between the I & II is a carb.
I've broken many a glass stem, but the 33 yr old 'base' is still intact after all these years. I now use an aluminum stem, thus worry-free of reaming the thing too hard & snapping it.
I also recently bought a new glass bong, since I felt I could use a new 1 after all these years. I think glass bongs are THE best way to toke. They're definitely the most economical, as I only need about 3-4 good blasts & I'm wastoid [I've been tokin some Blue Moonshine, which is a great 50/50 sativa/indica]. Plus I always toke alone, so bonging it is certainly the easiest, least wasteful & packs 1 helluva wallop!!