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CoffeeShopNIEUWS |
That's right! You hear it good. He is a free man again! Today 01/09/2004 was the day that the judge has spoken that he is a free man. More details about the case will follow very soon. I would like to thank for all the e-mails you all have send to Nol.
More will follow soon!
Green Greetings
Jim aka CoolZero the webmaster!
As the webmaster of hempcity I'm not happy to inform you all that Nol van Schaik has been arrested. I have grabbed a article from cannabis culture and under this page is a link where you can find the original article. Of course when there is more news, it will be added at the front-page of the website. -
If you want to e-mail Nol van Schaik about this matter, please send your e-mail to:
I will personally take care of the e-mails, and it will get to Nol.
Spain extradites Nol van Schaik
Haarlems Dagblad 7 Juli 2004.
Translated by CoolZero, sorry for my english.
HAARLEM - Coffee shop holder Nol van Schaik has been put by the Spanish authorities on the plane to France yesterday evening. France was condemned at contumacy up to five years prison sentence and a money fine, after he has in 1989 been involved at the smuggling of hash.
Van Schaik was apprehended on 17 May on the airport of Malaga. His sister Carla says, because of the marriage of the Spanish prince the treaty of Schengen had been suspended temporarily and everyone was being screened.
Nol had been several times already been to Spain. But now he fell by the basket. He was still on the list. Van Schaik is treated pleasantly in the Spanish prison is, still reasonable, apprehension now dominates that will be in France concerning. He will be treated more delequent in France.
According to its girlfriend Marushka de Blaauw, who is now still in Spain, there is, however, appeal possible at the European Commission. In Spain the matter has become prescribed, with a condemnation for five years. But lodge an appeal to let explain the extradition illegitimate, rapidly five months will go across.
The previous days it has rightly come in an acceleration. Monday it concerned still possible extradition and now - a day later - he sits already in the plane. Our Spanish lawyer hasn’t been able to do anything, just like the Dutch embassy. Our Dutch lawyer - Mr. Spong - can get in action as Nol is effectively extradited. We will contact with him today.
Dutch pot hero imprisoned!
by Pete Brady (16 Jun, 2004)
Snagged on old warrant; fate uncertain
Nol Van Schaik: now in Spanish jail awaiting extradition...
Dutch cannabis coffeeshop guru Nol Van Schaik jumped off a cliff in 1989. For 15 years, he has defied gravity.
Three weeks ago, gravity finally caught up with him.
In 1989, Van Schaik was part of a group of men smuggling Moroccan hashish from Morocco to Holland via Spain and France. When his crew was caught by French agents at the French border, Van Schaik broke free from his captors, ran through a forest, and jumped off a cliff to get away.
Despite his injuries, he made it back to Holland, but France issued an international warrant for his arrest, and tried to extradite him from Holland. On several occasions, Van Schaik was detained and questioned while traveling, as authorities argued about whether they should send him to France as the warrant required.
After Van Schaik's partner, Dutch cannababe Maruska de Wortel, organized protest marches and whipped up media attention, the Dutch Justice Minister intervened and told the French that Van Schaik would not be extradited to France. Van Schaik believed he was finally safe.
Van Schaik is the most public Dutch political activist for marijuana. He expanded his scope in 2001 by opening England's first cannabis coffeeshop, the Dutch Experience. Later, he wrote a coffeeshop history book, titled "The Dutch Experience."
He was arrested or detained numerous times in England because of the shop. While in custody, British officials did not threaten to extradite him to France. Later, Van Schaik moved to Spain. While continuing to supervise his three high-quality Willie Wortels coffeeshops in Haarlem, Holland near Amsterdam, he also became a public pot grower in Spain, putting weekly pictures of his outdoor crop on his www.hempcity.net website.
Van Schaik planned to open a Spanish cannabis resort and cannabis education center. But when he traveled to Spain from Holland recently, the Spanish airport where he landed was on heightened security. His passport was examined, a computer check was run, the old warrant was discovered, and Van Schaik was taken to a Madrid prison, where officials are arguing about whether he should be deported to France. If he is imprisoned in France, the sentence could be several years.
According to Marcel de Wortel, a long-time associate who manages Van Schaik's potshops, lawyers and activists are working to free Van Schaik, but there is no way to be certain of his fate until a Spanish court rules on it later this month. In the meantime, Marcel says, Van Schaik's anxious family, friends and employees are praying that he will be sent back to Holland instead of France.
When asked what people could do to help Van Schaik, Marcel suggested that "everybody visit Haarlem, Holland and enjoy the super Willie Wortels coffeeshops and the Dutch summer."
Original article can be find on the link below:
Also I have scanned the first article of the Haarlems Dagblad about this matter, witch is dutch.
Here is the article in English!
Nol van Schaik in Spanish cell, at the request of French justice
Haarlem, 2004 June 11
By Kees van der Linden, Haarlems Dagblad
Haarlem Nol van Schaik, the well-known suitor for legalisation of soft drugs from Haarlem, is stuck in a cell in Madrid. During his stay in Spain, Van Schaik was arrested by the Guardia Civil. According to his laywer, the well-known sentence-suitor Spong from Amsterdam, his client is not apprehended on suspicion of some indictable offence, but because France has a request for extradition against Van Schaik.
Yesterday, Spong didn’t want to say, if he’s optimistically or
pessimistic concerning the chance of his client, being set free any time soon. “It concerns an old sentence, in 1989 at contumacy pronounced by a French judge. Van Schaik had been condemned to five years cell
for possession of cannabis.”
The request for extradition is being handled by a judge in Madrid. With a Spanish collegue, he tries to find out if the French sentence has
become prescribed after all these years. “The limitation periods differ in Europe from country to country. Recently a new law has become effective in Spain, which knows a variable limitation period.” The two lawyers examine if they can get him free, on the basis of this law.
It is unclear when the case will be in court. Van Schaik’s sister Carla said to us yesterday, she is concerned about her brother.
Once, the Dutch judge also had to make a decision concerning a request for extradition of France. At the end of 1999, nothing seemed to be standing in the way of a forced departure to France, after the Supreme Court also had stipulated that the French wish had
sufficiently legal basis. However, the then minister of justice Korthals, put a stop to the extradition, when the French refused to let him sit out his sentence in the Netherlands.
Van Schaik has taken the initiative in the discussion concerning
‘medical weed’, the medicinal supply of cannabis to patients.
In Haarlem he has three coffeeshops and in 1998 he founded the
cannabismuseum next to Het Spaarne. For his matter, Van Schaik gladly litteral and figuratively looks up the borders. In 2001, he provoked the Belgian authorities by announcing the planning for
opening a cannabis-museum in Antwerp.
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