Category Archives: Cannabis for a living.

I am one of the few ‘lucky’ dudes that managed to turn their great hobby, handling cannabis, into their profession.
There are only 730 of us so called ‘hashcoffeeshopowners’ left, so I thought it would be smart to let you in on a few small secrets of our tricky trade, our sly opposition and the fun things about running a coffeeshop.
I have a 20 year long career in cannabis today, time to share some of my experience with you, maybe even time to write a book about my unique cannabis ventures, as they were many and diverse. I hope to be able to surprise you.


“New”Dutch Drugs Policy: No Major upsets…

Well, the dutch Cabinet, the Ministers Council, will allow coffeeshops to stay open, as usual. The pass system will not be applied in general, only Maastricht will start an experiment, which will surely fail. Amsterdam’s Mayor, Cohen, does not want … Continue reading

Posted in Cannabis for a living. | 1 Comment

Welcome to my cannabis inspired weblog!

Welcome to a part of my life! This blog is about my personal life, about what I am involved in today, and about my plans and projects for the future. My life is a bit out of the ordinary, some … Continue reading

Posted in Cannabis for a living. | 2 Comments