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International Film Festivals - Escape To Canada

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International Film Festivals - Escape To Canada

Postby KanMan » Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:50 pm

Escape to Canada - Western Canada Premiere in Calgary, Alberta during
the Calgary International Film Festival
September 30 / 2005 9:30 PM showing

Edmonton International Film Festival on Saturday Oct 8 at 1pm.

After a brief introduction from Albert Nerenberg (the director) with
encouragement to voice opinions during the film and a promise of a
Question and Answer period after the film we all stetted in to watch
the film with popcorn in hand.

What is Escape to Canada about in my opinion?
Marijuana, gay marriage and USA - AWOL soldiers that escaped the
Draconian laws enforced in the USA today!

Why Marijuana and gay marriage, the year of legal marijuana and gay
marriage at about the same time was under way, both very important
issues to many people.

A number of times the close to full theater erupted in to cheers and
clapping during the film. Everyone enjoyed the film!
Sedative Ocean, my wife Debbie and myself as did other people all
voiced opinions loud enough for the whole theater to hear during the
film. Each time GB was shown on the screen there were boo's being
voiced. Bill O'Reily was shown to be mouthing off with proven totally
out right bald faced lies during one of his shows.

There were a number of very interesting parts in the film way to many
to list here.

De Kine, they sold marijuana openly in a retail store coffee shop in
Vancouver for months.
The shopped was stormed by swat teams waving guns, yelling and all,
violently entering the coffee shop and arresting people.
A interview with a Da Kine neighbor and business owner, she stated
right off she was against all drugs period. Then went on to say ALL
the drug dealers were gone and the violence and crime had stopped
since Da Kine opened their doors selling kannabis products. It had
opened her eyes to the many good things that would come if kannabis
was legal to purchase in a store or coffee shop. Additional the extra
customers the Da Kine business neighbors were enjoying while Da Kine
was open for business.

The most saddest and disgusting at the same time scene for me was,
3 big cops surrounding and intimidating a 70 year woman in a kannabis
coffee shop while she was smoking kannabis. Right then and there she
had a stroke and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital.

It makes me so very mad when i see this going on still in the year
2005. I will stand up and fight harder and longer due to the complete
madness of the kannabis laws that are making millions world wide
suffer due to these laws that are so very, very wrong.

Gays stood up for themselves and they now enjoy legal marriages in

Kannabis consumers must do the same and stand up for what is right.
Alcohol and cigarettes are legal and they kill millions around the
world every year. Kannabis has many proven health benefits, it is so
very wrong that it is illegal at any time in the history of the world.

Many more excellent scenes in the film.

At the end of the film the majority of people stayed to ask questions.
Albert Nerenberg (the director) was on hand to answer our questions!

Many good points were discussed, the one that sticks with me the most,
If a few police officers had entered Da Kine and asked if they sold
kannabis products the owner would of said yes we do (menus and all it
was more then obvious), then if the few police officers would have
said you are under arrest the people would have gone with the police
peacefully with out any violence what so ever, just that simple.
Instead the police with full assault swat teams burst in to the shop
and wave guns and scare the hell out of everyone there. Totally un
necessary actions and a total waste of resources to say the very

After that a number of people went upstairs to the kaboom room to

A must see film in my opinion so much so that is the first time i have
gone to a theatre to watch a film in over 30 years! I will go again to
a theatre to watch Escape to Canada again and again, i enjoyed that
the film that much so did many others.

Good Kannabis Growing!
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