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smoking company or on your own

In a joint, spliff, bong, chillum or vaporizer?
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smoking company or on your own

Postby Leicester » Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:30 pm


I personally smoke mainly in spliffs and occasionally chillums. what i find is when I smoke a j on my own I dont get as high as I do with smoking in collectives or with friends. Even though on my own I get more.

Is it the company and the interaction which makes the effect stronger. The herb is better socially than when you smoke by yourself. what do you think
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With or without company - but anything is best with a friend

Postby midnite2412 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:45 am

I like smoking with or without company. As long as my tolerance to THC is low (a good party or a whole day spent smoking will stuff that up).

The high seems to be enhanced by what you do so if there are people there with you, you gett pretty high if you get into something fun or interesting. I play my guitar - alone stoned out of my head and get just as high.

Of course there is one activity that I enjoy most when I am high, and you need at least one other person to get it on with if that is really going to work.
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Re: smoking company or on your own

Postby JoKicksButt » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:05 am

Really it depends on my mood. If I'm hanging out with my buddies we can smoke a couple J's and I'll still be totally straight if the vibe isn't cool. But then there are times where I'm with a couple people and only smoke a bowl or two and get baked.
I love smoking by myself though, almost always. I like to smoke some green then just chill and sketch with some music.
But that's just me! ^_^
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Re: smoking company or on your own

Postby Ernest » Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:11 pm

As mentioned before, it depends on my mood....

BUT smoking with buddies/friends/etc. is more fun...
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Re: smoking company or on your own

Postby t_stoned » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:58 am

depends on weed... for me it's more better to smoke strong indicas at home, better alone, good music or concert on dvd... very relaxed at the evenings :roll:
sativa is better for a party of course... :mrgreen:
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Re: smoking company or on your own

Postby Ricko » Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:56 pm

I don't really have a preference. I like both, but used to do more solitary work.
Choose to be happy.
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Re: smoking company or on your own

Postby sensiblazin » Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:57 pm

in reply to Leicester, which i know is well over a year ago, i find the opposite

if i smoke on my own, i tend to smoke less because im on my own and have more solitary time to think of the effects the last joint or whatever had on me, if im with a group, i can smoke so much more as my mind is active on conversation and having a good time..

for example, around 1.5g of my loverly blueberry homegrown, can happily smoke this on my own but can fall asleep afterwords if theres naff all to do and sat on my arse in front of the box!

out with friends can smoke a whole lot more! getting through around 5-6g and still being able to do things, get a takeaway, refresh a bit then continue with a night cap or two... :)
so i think if on my own with little to do i feel the effects more, with good company i feel the same effects but am able to continue smoking and and enjoy the experience a lot more, you bounce of each other and continue with the jollyments

plus all the depends on the herb im crammin....... can't wait to see what effect haarlems wonderful CC's products have on me! i may repost when i get back and explain how pale i was and im taking up golf or something :D *joke*
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